In Which I am Interviewed by Fiona Mcvie

Here’s a little bit from the interview with the link to the full interview below.

Fiona: Tell us your latest news.
Well, my latest novel, Project Brimstone, the first of a new series, just launched at the beginning of May. I am currently working on the fourth novel for The Awakening series, titled Stars End.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?
Hmm. That is a hard question. I’ve always been a storyteller. I told myself stories at night long before I got past my dyslexia and learned to read. I wrote my first novella in seventh grade; it wasn’t very good, as you may imagine. It was a tired little story about a space fighter pilot ending up in the future to help fight a war. I wrote for the RPG industry for a while in my twenties. Then, after my divorce, I decided to get serious about writing my own stories.

Full Interview