Other Series

I wanted to give a quick update on my writing.

The Dark Plaza is out and doing well. Also, the Kindle version of I Won’t Cry for Yesterday is on sale over Easter Weekend for the low low price of free! If you haven’t tried my seemingly unconnected Hand of Providence series, now is a good time to try it out.

I say seemingly unconnected because all of my books are connected stories. You won’t see many familiar faces in the first two books of the contemporary series, but it is connected. The next book in the series (in progress) will have more interconnections with the others.

Book Two of the The Endless Realms: Riders on the Storm is due out this summer.

After that I’m pleased to announce that a prequel series about Daeren Drake will begin releasing this fall. I say begin, because the first three novels are finished and with the editor! Book One of Darkness Rising: The Sorcerer will be out this fall.